
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Still moving along but slowly!

This week I am planning on giving my students a survey about writing and it will be interesting to see the results.  I feel that my afternoon group will be able to move at a faster pase. I am trying to do alot more interactive writing than what I did last year.  I feel I am able to add things this year since I have more experience with this age group but I am still learning a lot from my Kindergartners!   I put up a morning message everyday for them to read when they come in and this week I will be taking letters out to have the students help write the message with me. 

We are still working on using the right colors when coloring a picture.  I have their Drawing & Writing books already to go!  I would like to try to explain them this week and then use them next week. 

The class created a class book titled We _______ at Kindergarten and this week I will have them create one about what they did as a baby and what they do now....from one of Jamie Lee Curtis' books.....

Saturday, September 10, 2011

First Week

Well, we started our first week of school!  I have given the students an opportunity to share stories about themselves.  This gives us a chance to get to know them on a personal level.  This is the first step in teaching Kindergartners to write.  I also talked about when we color we need to use the right colors.  For example:  they did a dot to dot of an apple so we talked about what color should we use to color the apple, red, green or yellow.  I am planning on introducing the Drawing and Writing book to my students next week.  Then let the fun begin with teaching them how to draw realistic objects!